Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rework by 37signals - an awesome read

I just read the book titled Rework written by the founders of the company 37signals. It is a highly unusual book - irreverant, rebellious, unconventional. And written with simple language that a teenager can understand.

Some samples from the book:
  • Underdo your competition - beat them with less!
  • Planning is guessing - start referring to your business plans as business guesses
  • Emulate drug dealers
  • Hire only when it hurts
The (very small) book is full of practical, unconventional wisdom. Perhaps many things that we may have considered questioning, but did not have the courage to do so.

An absolutely invaluable resource for entrepreneurs.

Get a copy immediately and read it.


YAY said...

I will read the book ...but can you elaborate on the comment " emulate drug dealers"

Nitin Kulkarni said...

Here is an excerpt from the book about emulating drug dealers:

"Drug dealers are astute business people. They know their product is so good they're willing to give a little away for free upfront. They know you'll be back for more--with money.
Emulate drug dealers. Make your product so good, so addictive, so "can't miss" that giving customers a small, free taste makes them come back with cash in hand.
This will force you to make something about your product bite-size. You want an easily digestible introduction to what you sell. This gives people a way to try it without investing any money or a lot of time."

viv said...

the book sounds very interesting. thanks for sharing...