Saturday, February 25, 2017

Good bye Hans!

For various reasons I have not blogged regularly for a little over a year now - somehow I had lost the urge to write, or perhaps I did not have anything compelling to say. Until yesterday. I decided to write this post as a tribute to a remarkable man.

Yesterday afternoon I was poking around on, looking for videos that I could use for an upcoming corporate workshop and discovered that TED had put up a series of videos of Hans Rosling on their home page. My curiosity was aroused and when I looked around a little more, I found that Hans Rosling died this month from pancreatic cancer.

Image result for hans rosling

Rosling was a famous Swedish statistician, an absolute genius at weaving exciting stories around data, and bringing statistics to life with remarkable presentations. I discovered this guy exactly two years ago, and had written a post about one of his great videos. In this video Hans presents some astonishing conclusions about the growth and spread of world population.

Since that time I have seen many of Hans's videos, and am therefore better informed about the world.

Goodbye Hans, we will miss you.